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What Makes You Come Alive?

I am back again doing what makes me come alive with my new blog. This is my second attempt to getting a new blog going again this year. I am excited to get it started again.

My musings are often come from some quote I read. This quote is from an Howard Thurman (1899 - 1981) who was an American author, philosopher, theologian, mystic, educator, and civil rights leader.

"Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

If I consider my life a gift, which i do, then it is fair to ask, what’s inside? What creative expressions am I warehousing that bring me alive? What is holding me back? I know that my previous blog and photography that I shared with others was appreciated and I got lots of very kind notes over the years encouraging me to continue. So, here I am ready to begin again.

My last blog focused on the Camino de Santiago and my posts all linked in some way back to the Camino walk. I would like to not be constrained to all things Camino and to write and share on a variety of topics. They will likely often link up with nature since that is my favorite topic and passion. Since I see the world often with through my "photographic eye" you can count on lots of beautiful nature photography and videography.

I will also be sharing more insights in my blog regarding the intersection of nature, philosophy and spirituality. I plan to keep a "light hand" on this (since my blog is called "lighten") and hopefully not come across "preachy" but only inclusive and open and not judgmental in anyway. I have great respect for every person's unique walk through this life.

I hoping that I will inspire you in some way that it might spark something in you to come alive so that you might fill the need that the world needs!

May nature's peace flow in you!


P.S. The creative art photo is from the meadows in full bloom at Mt Rainier National park.


I want to leave you with a short 5 minute nature video of Ruth Creek that is in the Mt Baker area. At the end of a long hike up to Hannegan Pass, I wandered down to the creek and took this video of the water in the creek flowing with fresh water seaweed waving beneath the surface. I encourage you to take 5 minutes and to just sit and let nature's peace flow in you as listen to the sounds of Ruth creek.

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Jim Peters
Jim Peters
Aug 01, 2023

Well done, John! I love this and what you say on your about page about holding your grip lightly. Ironically, we've been saying the same thing lately. It's true for life just like it is for golf or mountain biking. Hold the club lightly, hold the handlebars lightly and it allows you to flow with the changes and challenges that inevitably happen.

Keep finding what "brings you alive!"

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